Friday 23 August 2013

High Protein Omelette

Hi everyone!!
So today I needed  to cook some eggs so that they don't expire.
I made this high protein yet simple omelette and stored it in the fridge for tomorrow. The expiring date was today lol.
4 eggs' white
4/1 onion
A table spoon of olive oil.
Half a can of tuna
The rest you know how to proceed.

It is high in protein because eggs' white and tuna are both very rich in protein. If you are on a low calories diet,then this great.


minasek said...

MMMMMM but what did you do with the yolk ?

Coco Nyanga said...

I put it in the bin. One Egg yolk have about 54 calories alone, so having four is too much. Furthermore it is very high in cholesterol with 210mg each. Having said that, if I am short on eggs, lets say two, I will use one full egg and add the egg white of the other.